Although these two ingredients are similar, they act differently and are used for different purposes.

Retinol is a common ingredient in skincare products that claim to help with anti-aging effects such as fine lines, wrinkles, and improve skin integrity. While this may hold true, many skincare products do not contain a high percentage of retinol since many patients and providers will start with lower concentrations of the product (ie. 0.25% or 0.5%). The readily available products that claim to contain retinoids are not always effective. Clever marketing tactics attract consumers to purchase alternative forms of retinol that do little to nothing to active skin and aging concerns.

Tretinoin is a prescribed topical retinoid that not only helps improve texture of the skin, but also has shown to increase collagen formation of type I and III. This ingredient has become essential in the treatment and prevention of photo-aging. The application of tretinoin before being exposed to the damaging ultraviolet light leads to the blocking of collagen degrading proteins, thereby inhibiting the collage breakdown process. 



-Treats Signs of Aging

-Gentler on skin

-Available over-the-counter



-Treats Acne and Signs of Aging

- Can Treat Pigmentation

-More potent than retinol (according to studies)

-Available by prescription




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