Microneedling with Radiofrequency

Microneedling with radiofrequency is a treatment modaility that has been introduced into the aesthetic marketplace with high hopes and many were skeptical at first. Does it burn fat in the wrong places? Will the heat worsen my melasma or hyperpigmentation? These are common concerns that haven't been answered appropriately. 

Some patients may think that a radio-frequency treatment followed by microneedling is synonymous with a Microneedling RF treatment -- this is sadly not the case. The technology implicated in the robust devices that provided a radio-frequency energy that is released at a controlled depth and energy concentration is quite different than diffused energy through the entire face. 

This cosmetic procedure uses tiny sterile needles to penetrate the skin and releases customized radio-frequency levels at the end of the the needles allowed for increased collagen, elastin, and healthy capillary production. The skin, as a result, heals thicker and smoother.

This can target aesthetic issues such as: 

  • fine lines
  • wrinkles
  • stretch marks
  • cellulite
  • appearance of large pores
  • acne scars
  • scars from injury or surgical procedures
  • hyperpigmentation
  • skin laxity, sagging skin
  • hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) (Weiner, 2019).

Microneedling with RF can also be combined with multiple treatment modalities to maximize treatment optimizations. Treatments such as fractional or fully ablative as well as non-ablative laser device can be paired to treat various depths of the skin to further improve skin texture for conditions such as  acne scars or textural irregularities. 



Weiner S. F. (2019). Radiofrequency Microneedling: Overview of Technology, Advantages, Differences in Devices, Studies, and Indications. Facial plastic surgery clinics of North America27(3), 291–303. 
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